Creative teaching? Do you know how to be a creative teacher or creative lecturer?Aku g workshop creative teaching semalam ngan kelmarin..dapat belajar something yang baru..aku ni bukanla lecturer yang pandai mengajar..kalau masa blajar dulu..orang yang paling tak pandai buat presentation aku la..lecturer selalu komen especially En.*****...hehehe..Tapi sekarang aku dah boleh sikit2 cakap kat depan..coz dah keje aku mengajar nak buat camne..For the first time mengajar kat satu kolej kat s.alam..wah mmg menakutkan..dah la dapat subjek yang aku sendiri pun tak berapa pandai object oriented using C++...student pulak sume tak confidence ngan aku..mula2 tu asyik menggigil je pegang tranperancy, pen..heheh..mesti bebudak ni perasan..malunyer..walaupun dah setahun aku mengajar aku still nervous..tak tau kenapa bila aku nervous aku pun tend to be a lecturer who only transfer my knowledge to the students..pada aku, janji aku habis silibus..heheh....sian kat student aku tak tau diorang faham ke tak..bila tanya of course faham..tapi bila test masyaAllah simple question pun tak leh jawab..can u imagine from 60 of my students only 10 students pass with C in their first test..aku really frust sedih..i'm sure the wrong is me not my student..after half of the semester student tu sumer dah ok skett alhamdulillah..finally result diorang hanya 3 orang je fail..dapat A sorang je takpelah..maybe lepas ni aku akan perbaiki lecture aku setelah attend creative many things yang aku tak tau pasal mengajar semalam dapat la sedikit sebanyak ilmu utk mengajar secara creative..every person have their owns creativity..but we don't know how to use our creativity..Actually teacher always know how to be creative in teaching because they learn in their courses..tapi lecturer tak tau apa2..cuma tau mengajar je kat depan student dengar je..faham tak faham up to them..sian kan kat student..(student aku la tu).
'There is no best technique to use in teaching. The only bad technique is the one that is used repeatedly with the same group."